22nd March 2023
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There are a large number of reasons that people end up with gaps in their CV – sometimes it is intentional, other times it is a set of life circumstances that have led to a situation where a person cannot do paid employment for a while.
Intentional gaps include things like an OE (overseas experience), sabbatical or some other planned time between jobs, taking time to care for children or study. Other gaps tend to be circumstances that are less planned, such as spending time looking for work, caring for a sick relative, time off due to your own illness etc.
These days everyone’s career is less linear than they were in the past. We are also working much longer; well past what used to be considered the normal retirement age. The combination of these factors means that people are more inclined to take career breaks.
The way you position these breaks when talking about them to a prospective employer can make all the difference. In the past, gaps carried a stigma that often meant you wouldn’t get a foot in the door for an interview, however now that they are becoming better accepted and more ‘the norm’, by utilising some of the tips below to prepare your CV, you can use these gaps to tell a story about your personality. This may highlight attributes that are important for the role you are applying for. For example taking time off to care for a sick relative sends a message that you are a caring person and put family first. This will also help make sure there is a better fit between you and the company you are applying to work for.
If you need help with presenting yourself in the best light possible and finding the right role, please get in touch with our friendly recruitment advisors. Temping is a fantastic way to get back into the workforce, so please be open to both temporary and permanent employment opportunities.
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