19th August 2021
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Thoughts, self-talk or whatever you call it, are so tied in with beliefs, that when you change your thinking, only then can you change your beliefs. ‘Why might I want to change my beliefs?’ you may ask. Well, changing your beliefs is the key to unlocking your full potential. No doubt you would have heard of ‘limiting beliefs’…these are thoughts or opinions that one believes to be the absolute truth. Limiting beliefs generally have a negative impact on someone’s life by preventing them from moving forward and experiencing personal or professional growth. As Tony Robbins once said, “The only thing that’s keeping you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself.” Your beliefs are shaped by your thoughts.
Limiting beliefs mostly fall into one of three categories; about yourself, about others and about life in general. They show up in your behaviour and can result in things like avoidance, procrastination, conformism, overthinking, anxiety, imposter syndrome etc. You may want to do something but blame others for not letting you or you say you can’t do something because you think you aren’t any good at it. Often emotions are also involved; such as feelings of guilt or embarrassment. And external factors such as there not being enough time “I’m too busy”, or facing disapproval “My parents would never approve”, also come into it.
Take an individual who has all these thoughts, limiting beliefs and consequential negative behaviours and put them amongst a team with individuals who are all operating the same way – the impact on culture within an organisation’s workplace can be huge. However when one individual changes, it can be like a ripple in the ocean that causes a wave of positivity that is contagious. Making for a happier and more productive work environment.
So in order to change your behaviour, you need to change your beliefs. In order to change your beliefs you need to change your thinking. How? Fortunately the brain is changeable, scientists call this neuroplasticity. With some focus and dedication there is plenty you can do to become the person you have always aspired to be.
To name a few…
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