Client articles

17 Nov

Benefits of practicing gratitude and 5 ideas how to incorporate in your daily life

One easy way to boost for people to boost their mood is to focus on what they have to be thankful for rather than anything they ‘lack’ in their life.   You don’t have to practice yoga, meditation or follow any particular sort of beliefs to enjoy the benefits from practicing being grateful every day. It

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11 Mar

The easy solution to high temp staff turnover or unreliable temps… treat them fairly

This is the plain and simple answer to every employer’s constant headache of searching for replacement temp staff at the last minute. Better still, to completely take the headache out of it, let Martin Personnel ensure they are being treated fairly on your behalf. The more satisfied and happy temp staff are, the more likely

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05 Mar

Individuals Working Together

Life can be a lonely road when you travel it alone. All of us long for social interaction and to feel part of something bigger and more meaningful than our own lives.

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31 Oct

Make it Right – how our clients’ factor into this key value

We believe our first value is a key differentiator for Martin Personnel – Make it Right (the ‘M’ in the Martin Personnel MARTIN values matrix). In our line of business, we deal with people. People that work for Martin Personnel in various roles across Sales, Operations and Finance. We interact with customers whose roles include that same

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